Facebook Marketing, ini adalah tema yang sangat HOT yang paling banyak ingin diketahui oleh kawan2 di FB, karena teknik yang ingin saya sharing ini terbukti mampu menghasilkan Rp. 32 juta lebih untuk seorang pemula / newbie.

Nah, saya berencana membuat komunitas online untuk tempat sharing, pelatihan, kerjasama serta wadah silaturahmi untuk kawan2 yang ingin mendalami Facebook Marketing.

Untuk informasi lebih lanjut, silakan ikuti saya di Facebook :
If you are in some kind of marketing and are using Facebook as a tool to increase your exposure, there are a few things you will want to do to have a better look. Your Facebook profile should be looking more professional with a personal touch to it.

Your Facebook profile should be filled out and be able to be gone through in about a minute. The about me should be brief. If it is too long, keep it more brief. Facebook users won’t read through your whole profile if it is too long. Just use some interesting things and try to keep it a few sentences long.

On the other hand, people do want to know more things about you. You should make sure you fill out your favorite things like your interests, hobbies, favorite movies, favorite music. You should want to show everyone that you are a real person and a likable person. You may have some common interests with people and can build a relationship on those points.

Consider skipping over the political and religious views. Everybody has their views but if you want conduct a professional business, you might want keep that part off your profile. You shouldn’t be ashamed of your views but it should not be a part of your business. This is only an opinion, it is up to you.

You should have a clear, easy to see Photo on your Facebook profile. Yes, it should be of yourself or you and your spouse, mom, or someone special. I see some people that don’t even have a photo, trying to conduct business without a Facebook photo. I know some Facebook users are new and may not have a digital camera but these folks usually are not trying to make contacts for any type of marketing business. Would you deal with someone that you couldn’t see? I wouldn’t put up a picture of your beloved cat or bird either. It’s fine to have these photo’s in your profile, It is even encouraged but not as your profile photo. I would not use some type of company logo either. Usually I see people using their company logo. This is not recommended. There have even been people that use “fake” photo’s of pretty faces to get attention. You can usually tell when you look at their other photo’s and they are not even the same person. If you are conducting business on Facebook, it’s about people making a connection with other people. You can’t connect with people you can’t see them.

How many websites should you have on your Facebook profile? I have seen many people with quite a few websites listed. THis just shows that you are not focused and are not sure what direction you want to take. You should only have 1 or 2 websites listed on your Facebook profile. If you are marketing multiple companies, set them up on a website or a blog and direct them to that area. You don’t want to be a pocket watch salesman…..

You should put some alternate contact information in your Facebook profile. Don’t rely on just using the standard Facebook email. If someone wants to contact you immediately they should be able to. It won’t take everyone too long to find another person that they can contact right away. You should list your phone number and Skype id in your Facebook profile and posssibly an alternate e-mail address.

Do you have your Facebook profile hidden? When someone is viewing your Facebook profile that are not your friend, what can they see about you that might want them to send you a request? The less you share about you, the more difficult it will be to connect with people. You should have as much of your profile filled out and visible to all, including your current location.

Remember, your business is about making a connection with people. The are a lot of people only using Facebook as an add blaster. You should read my article on Facebook Etiquette to get a better idea of the do’s and don’ts on Facebook. I also have free video training on Facebook Marketing that breaks it down step by step. CLICK HERE NOW for Facebook Marketing Secrets!


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