Facebook Marketing Strategies for Business: How I do Marketing on Facebook Successfully!

Facebook marketing for business in 2015 is a lot easier when you see the strategies I use get thousands of people to find me every day for free! Watch this free video tutorial showing you the strategies proven to work for business and entrepreneurs on Facebook! This is a free preview from my Facebook ads and marketing video course at http://jerrybanfield.com as well as the book on Amazon at http://jerry.tips/kindle03jb. Listen to the newest version on Audible at http://jerry.tips/fbaudio16.

Help me reach 100,000 subscribers at https://www.youtube.com/c/jerrybanfield?sub_confirmation=1.

You get all of the following information in this video to help make sure anything you want to do on Facebook has the best chance for success!

How to get free conversions, clients, and engagement.
Start with Facebook Groups and learn searching for facebook groups. Here’s why!
Best Facebook ads strategy for conversions, affiliate marketing, sales.
What works to make money with Facebook marketing? What is worth doing?
What does not work well on Facebook? What is not worth doing?

Topics covered in this video include Facebook groups, Facebook messaging, Facebook ads, Facebook posts, Facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for entrepreneurs, Facebook for business, and Facebook 2015 updates.

If you have ever watched a Facebook marketing webinar, 7 steps to Facebook success, and any Facebook marketing secrets video, you can bet you will love this video! Find out how to leverage Facebook to grow your business and the best Facebook page marketing strategy tips for 2015 to know before running your ads! You can use what you see in this video to get your content to go viral on Facebook using the secret marketing strategy I explain. What I share in this video will work better for you than email marketing by using Facebook groups and help any solo ads and listbuilding you are trying to do increase exponentially in effectiveness. You do not need a 7 step sales funnel to use this video or any tricks outside of what I share here. If you want to promote your business on Facebook, this video has it all including a real Facebook marketing strategy that works and 5 tips to help you get better results on Facebook.

Facebook marketing secrets are revealed in this video showing you do not need a Facebook page and that you do not need to do Facebook promoted posts in order to have huge FBinfluence! You can even skip Facebook offers and just the marketing strategies with marketing on Facebook 2015 to succeed for free!

If you are still reading now, you can guess I am trying to talk directly to Google and YouTube to let them know exactly what is in this video for YouTube search. It turns out I am effective at ranking YouTube videos in almost any niche as well! You can learn how at on my website at http://jerrybanfield.com and by being a subscriber here on my YouTube channel at http://www.youtube.com/user/dukeacem?sub_confirmation=1/. I have another high ranking video for Facebook marketing search terms on YouTube you might enjoy at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQXJR-fTJv4.

Thank you Google for hosting this video on YouTube and I am grateful for the opportunity today to serve you by giving you the best information available in 2015 on Facebook marketing and advertising for business.

Facebook marketing by showing up in the Facebook news feed makes it easy for anyone to be seen as a Facebook expert when you use the social media marketing strategies on Facebook that I explain in this video. Subscribe to my YouTube channel at http://jerry.tips/ytsubcription
With an ever-growing community of 845 million members, Facebook has redefined how businesses both big and small interact with its consumers. Long gone are the days when marketing efforts consisted of print media and commercials that were presented without comment. Now, you are expected to engage with your consumer base and foster a deeper, more interactive connection with prospective and current customers. While there are plenty of paid advertising options which have their merits, the most powerful form of marketing on Facebook is completely free, but requires some time and attention on your part.

Imagine a world in which your Facebook page is the only source of information about your business. Then look at your page. Are you missing key details? Does it look like it was hastily put together? Instead of being genuinely inviting, is it simply lackluster? If you answered yes to any of those, you have some work to do. Of course, Facebook has not eliminated the internet, but there is an expanding demographic of patrons who turn to it first when searching for products, services, and events. It is quite possible your page is the one and only opportunity you have to entice certain prospective customers. Fortunately, with a little time and creativity, you can easily transform your Facebook fail into a success.

One of the smartest things you can do is take the interactive Facebook Pages course available on the site. It will orient you to the new Timeline format, which is highly customizable and generates a business page that looks more professional, and ensure you are making the most of it. Your page should not only provide critical information about your business (contact information, hours, products), but also express your business’s identity. For example, your cover picture is a perfect opportunity to identify your brand and draw in users. In fact, the entire visual aspect of your page is incredibly important. In addition to a compelling cover photo and profile pic, post high quality eye-catching pictures that spark people’s imagination with accompanying text in a conversational tone that genuinely captures your voice.

After you complete your profile, do a little outreach and find other pages to like and follow. They could include vendors you work with, products your business uses, and other ventures you admire. This accomplishes a couple of things. First, they may like and follow you back, which will increase your visibility among their customers and could even lead to a partnership that benefits both of you. You are also adding value to your page and enhancing the experience for your customers. While this a competitive economy, an atmosphere of collaboration and cooperation yields some amazing results. No one expects you to promote your direct competitor, of course, but you are building a community that consists not only of customers but also colleagues.

Once you have done this, it may be tempting to think of yourself as done, but you are not. Marketing on Facebook is an interactive experience that requires continual attention. Post regularly and engage your followers by asking questions. It may be slow going at first, but soliciting feedback initiates a conversation that increases enthusiasm, deepens brand loyalty, and generates ideas about how to improve your business. If you are grasping for things to post about, let your passion guide you. For example, if you sell a wide variety of products, highlight the ones you love the most and suggest ways people can use them, such as a recipe or project idea. This creates good will and encourages purchases. In addition to posting about special promotions and events, you could post fun facts about your business that inform and, on some level, entertain. As busy as you are, set aside a little time at least every couple of days to spend on Facebook. Depending on your activity, it might take 10 minutes or, if a lot is happening, much longer. Approach it with a sense of fun, and your page will reflect and cultivate that enthusiasm.

While actually running your business is your top priority, social media has become an integral part of its success. If you want to survive in this competitive economy, you need to foster strong connections with your customers, and Facebook is the best way to do that when they are not right in front of you. So, embrace what it has to offer and fold it into your regular activities. Genuine interactions brimming with zeal will capture people’s attention every time. That attention will translate to profit eventually, and you will have your own story about how Facebook helped your company thrive.

While paid advertising has its merits, the most powerful form of marketing on Facebook is completely free, but requires some time and attention on your part.

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