Facebook Marketing Tips| 3 Tips To Help You Get Better Results On Facebook


Today I wanted to give you three Facebook marketing tips that will help you get better results with your marketing efforts on Facebook. Lot’s of people believe that marketing on Facebook is as easy as throwing your links up in your status updates, or posting them wherever you feel like posting them. Well, here’s a few Facebook marketing tips that, while not earth shattering, will certainly keep you in the favor of the facebook powers that be, and are very valuable.

The first of our Facebook marketing tips is NEVER spam your link. When people join a business opportunity, whether out of excitement, ignorance, or improper training, lot’s of folks plaster their affiliate link, or company link all over their facebook page. Now, if this isn’t enough, they sometimes also blast your page with it too. Facebook etiquette dictates that you shouldn’t send your link to anyone unless they ask for it first. Now, I suppose if you’re getting your facebook marketing tips from someone who tells you any different, I’m going to say outright that they don’t know what they’re talking about. Blasting your link all over creation is a great way to get blocked, unfriended, or land in facebook jail.


So, now we come to number two of our facebook marketing tips. This tip is vitally important if you’re using facebook for business. Keep in mind also that these facebook marketing tips are designed to keep your account up and running, and your network growing. So to that end, you must set up a facebook fan page. Having a facebook fan page, will do two things. First, it will give you a platform to promote your business, whether its a network marketing opportunity or a barber shop, without annoying your friends with a business post every five minutes. Second, it will allow you to add value to your audience by giving them something that they only get by visiting your fan page. Whether that’s a business building tip, or a coupon for their next purchase. Also, another reason why this is one of the more important facebook marketing tips, is that it’s against facebook policy to use your personal page for business purposes. Technically they could shut you down for it. Will they? Who knows. Why risk it!

So the final portion of the facebook marketing tips for today is actually one of the cool features that facebook has come up with. It’s called boosting a post. For a fee, you can actually create a post that will show up at the top of your friends, and their connections, news feed. This is a fantastic way to create engagement, get more fans, or promote something for your business. You do have to still follow facebooks guidelines, because this is an ad, and facebook has to approve it.

So there you have it, 3 facebook marketing tips to get you started with the basics of how to market on facebook.

To get into the nitty gritty of facebook marketing, and get more detailed facebook marketing tips, go now to http://sbc.socialmediainsanity.com . Enter your name and email to get immediate access to a webinar that my friend Michelle presented that has more facebook marketing tips than you can shake a stick at. If you’re using facebook for business at all, you must know the facebook marketing tips that are shared in this training. Go now. You’ll be glad you did.

To see the replay of this video, Facebook Marketing Tips| 3 Tips to Help You Get Better Results On Facebook , go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lzCsPVkwpbg
The information below is intened for network marketers who use Facebook to market their businesses..

1. Never spam your facebook friends

Nobody likes getting spam mail. That’s exactly why email accounts have a spam folder. People don’t read spam mail because they are not interested in what those messages have to say. Constantly sending emails and facebook messages to your friends, family and acquaintances about your business is unproductive because they aren’t going to read it. If they want to know about your business, they will ask you.

I also want you to keep in mind that with so many network marketers in the same social circles on Facebook, many of you are sending the same information repeatedly. I open messages from various network marketers about the same opportunities and companies on a daily basis.

Other Ways to Spam Your Friends:

Posting information about your business all over your friends’ walls
Sending dozens of Facebook gifts to your friends
Including your business description in your friend request messages
Repeatedly sending group invitations
Constantly sending spam mail via groups and fan pages

2. Don’t ask someone what business their involved with just so they will ask you back

If you aren’t sincerely interested in your friend’s business, don’t ask them about it. Your friends can read through the lines. Especially when you respond with a generic description about your company and how they should check it out. If they don’t ask you to send them information about your business, don’t do it. This behavior can be viewed as insulting because what makes you think they aren’t satisfied with their current business?

3. Don’t Try To Convince Other Network Marketers That Your Business Is Better Than Theirs

Remember that Facebook is a place for socializing and building connections. You should never use Facebook to pitch your business to your friends. In the network marketing industry, a marketer’s objective is to build his or her business. If someone is unsatisfied with the company they’re involved with, they will go out and ask other network marketers for advice on their own. They don’t want you to pester them with descriptions, presentations and videos about your business. They especially don’t need you to convince them that your company offers a better compensation plan, a better product or a better marketing strategy. Again, if they are looking for a change, they will ask others they perceive as being successful for help and guidance.

Stay tuned for my upcoming article, “How to Successfully Market Your Business on Facebook” for useful Facebook marketing techniques.

“Unsuccessful and Annoying Facebook Marketing Strategies” is just one of several articles by professional network marketer, Felisa Williams. She has used various network marketing secrets including Facebook Marketing Strategies to develop her business. Recently, she has combined her favorite marketing techniques (some you’ve probably never heard of) and she’s giving these tips away for free on her website. Visit this site now: Effective Online Marketing Techniques

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